This all-purpose copytrade utility enables any user remotely or locally duplicate trades between Meta Trader terminals quickly and effortlessly.
Copying of trade entries between different terminal types (i.e. Meta Trader 4 and Meta Trader 5) is fully supported.
Trade copying functionality coves all Meta Trader 4 and 5 scenarios.
A user has to purchase both Meta Trader versions of Versatile Copier to copy between two dissimilar terminals.
How to use the Copier
The Utility copies transactions between two or more terminals installed on the same Windows Machine (Computer or Virtual Private Server). All the Terminals must run simultaneously.
The User must enter the following URL under Options, under Expert Adviser's Tab in the Web Request text entry field.
Only one instance of the program must be loaded onto a chart on a Meta Trader Terminal.
The program automatically recognizes and copies all initiated order entries from a Sender instance to a Receiver instance provided the currency pair of that trade is available on the Receiver Terminal.
The copiers show the server time, so that synchroneity can be visually gauged.
Trade copying only occurs when the terminal shows connected.